KAUST Enhances its Research Capabilities by Innovating Small Seed Computing and Automating Analysis of Image and Video Data Via AI

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) has enhanced its research capabilities and developed scientific innovations by creating an artificial intelligence-based tool called "SeedQuant." This tool automatically counts Striga seeds from microscopic images, eliminating the tedious and time-consuming manual counting process. Dr. Justine Braguy, in collaboration with computer vision specialists, developed this tool to improve and streamline the seed counting process using artificial intelligence.
KAUST has introduced the Thya Technology platform, which automates the analysis of large images and video datasets over the Internet. Users can upload and label images to create artificial intelligence detection models without programming.
The Thya Technology platform has partnered with research laboratories at KAUST, including the former Braguy Laboratory and the Center for Desert Agriculture (CDA). The platform's artificial intelligence tools significantly reduce time and effort in the field of biology.

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