Arafat, outskirts of Makkah - SPA
International Media Professionals Join Pilgrims in Hajj, Emphasizing the Spiritual and Cultural Unity of Hajj

Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, holds a multitude of meanings and resonates deeply with pilgrims. This sentiment is echoed by media representatives from various countries who are also participating in Hajj, which they described as a grand occasion that unites people from diverse backgrounds, creating a beautiful blend of spiritual and cultural convergence.

 The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) spoke with several media professionals who emphasized the profound connection between Hajj and cultural understanding.

 Abdul Hamid Basom, a correspondent for the Associated Press of Pakistan, said that during Hajj, people from different nations are united by a similar way of life that promotes peace and coexistence. He emphasized that Islam is a religion of peace, with a message of unity for all humanity.

 Indonesia News Agency correspondent Nabila Karisti underscored the core message of Hajj as one of brotherhood and tolerance.

 "The uniform ihram worn by pilgrims signifies the equality of all before Allah," she said, adding that "Hajj serves as a practical training ground for unity, solidarity, and the rejection of hatred".

 She praised the Kingdom's efforts to serve pilgrims, highlighting the innovative projects and technologies employed to facilitate the Hajj experience.

 Nasser bin Mansour, a news editor from the Malaysian National News Agency, highlighted the unifying nature of Hajj, emphasizing that it transcends nationality and culture, and promotes forgiveness, tolerance, and unity on a global scale, a message he believes is especially relevant in today's world.

 Ahmed Abdel Wahab, a senior correspondent for the Russian news agency Sputnik, said Hajj is an occasion that brings together Muslims from all over the world, a cultural and religious gathering that purifies souls and promotes tolerance and kindness toward all people.

 He noted the growing interest from other nations to understand Islam and its impact on individuals.

 "By conveying the Hajj events we can share the true essence of this religion that has encompassed all of humanity for over 1445 years," he said.

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