ARCO Applauds Saudi Arabia’s Statement on European States’ Recognition of Palestinian State

The Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization (ARCO) expressed its appreciation for the statement released by Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the recognition of the State of Palestine by several European countries.
ARCO Secretary General Dr. Saleh bin Hamad Al-Tuwaijri emphasized that Saudi Arabia's statement reflects its ongoing commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause and its tireless efforts at both regional and international levels to uphold the right of the Palestinian people in establishing their independent state on the occupied Palestinian territories, with east Jerusalem as its capital.
He conveyed the organization’s gratitude for the significant and continuous humanitarian assistance provided by Saudi Arabia, which complements its diplomatic endeavors, in order to alleviate the suffering endured by the Palestinian people within their territories since the start of the Israeli occupation.
Al-Tuwaijri underscored the Palestinian people’s right to live on their land under the umbrella of a fully sovereign Palestinian state as a legitimate right and legal demand.
He highlighted the reinforcement of this right by international resolutions issued by the United Nations, as well as by governmental and non-governmental organizations dedicated to the application of international humanitarian law and the protection of human rights.

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