“The Faith in a Changing World” - A Global Declaration Affirming the Central Role of Religion in the Rise and Prosperity of Civilizations and Its Impact on Shaping and Guiding Societal Thought Drafted by religious and intellectual global figures, “guided by the Makkah Charter,” at the conclusion of the largest international conference on “Faith and Atheism.”

“The Faith in a Changing World” - A Global Declaration Affirming the Central Role of Religion in the Rise and Prosperity of Civilizations and Its Impact on Shaping and Guiding Societal Thought

Drafted by religious and intellectual global figures, “guided by the Makkah Charter,” at the conclusion of the largest international conference on “Faith and Atheism.”

    •    Adoption of the Muslim World League’s initiative to establish an international observatory to counter atheistic doubts.

    •    Marginalizing religion opens the door wide to manifestations of moral chaos and deviant behaviors.

    •    The responsibility of religious and intellectual leaders is to invest in the shared human heritage to preserve civilizational achievements.

    •    Strengthening the relationship between religion and science is essential to confront the deviations of nihilistic atheism.

    •    Solidarity among nations is the best way to address major global challenges.

    •    Women, within their framework of faith, are a source of light and civilizational radiance, playing a crucial role in instilling religious principles and noble morals.

The global declaration issued by members of the international conference, “Faith in a Changing World,” emphasized the central role of religion in the rise and prosperity of civilizations and its impact on shaping and guiding societal thought. The document highlighted religion’s ability to confront and resolve problems, warning that sidelining religion’s role in spiritual guidance and intellectual direction opens the door wide to manifestations of moral chaos, deviant behaviors, and degrading immorality. This, the participants cautioned, places the world in an unprecedented state of moral decline and ethical disintegration.

The conference concluded today, Wednesday, in the Moroccan capital, Rabat, with the participation of numerous global religious and intellectual figures. The event resulted in the issuance of a document titled “Faith in a Changing World,” which included the announcement of the establishment of the International Observatory for Signs of Faith and Countering Doubts, a specialized humanitarian and faith-based institution.

The participants stressed that moral values are rooted in human nature and reinforced by divine messages, remaining a shared and stable foundation that serves as a unifying framework. From this foundation emerge enlightened ideas and wise proposals that drive the progress of civilization. They noted that the stronger these values are embedded in the human conscience, the more societal security and harmony are achieved.

The participants emphasized that humanity is at the core of divine messages, with God having honored humans above all other creatures and subjugated the Earth for them. Humanity’s role is to fulfill the mission of stewardship by improving, developing, and sustaining the Earth, while preserving its resources and wealth so that everyone can enjoy a dignified life and freely worship their Creator. They called for safeguarding human dignity and protecting legitimate rights and freedoms, recognizing all individuals regardless of their religious, national, or ethnic identity as equal partners in building and developing society.

The conference document also stressed the responsibility of global religious, intellectual, and societal leaders to invest in the shared human heritage to preserve the cumulative civilizational achievements throughout history. This includes addressing the negative effects brought about by globalization and mitigating the destructive consequences of pandemics, wars, and other crises.

The participants underscored that cooperation and integration among different religious communities, and the use of their shared values, are the most effective means for developing enlightened frameworks to protect against the dangers of extremism, neutralize hate speech, and dismantle theories of conflict and confrontation.

They urged elevating humanitarian work above all forms of bias, bigotry, and politicization, ensuring that it serves all people without discrimination. The call was also made to strengthen global humanitarian efforts, by establishing and maintaining relief and development projects worldwide through strategic partnerships that promote human fraternity, lay the foundation for peace and harmony, and bring prosperity and stability to humanity.

The conference participants emphasized in the document the importance of adhering to a rigorous scientific methodology in interpreting religious texts, understanding religious truths, and clarifying intellectual terms and concepts. They stressed the need to apply these principles to contemporary developments in a way that fulfills the purposes of religion in preserving essential values and achieving balance and moderation.

They affirmed that strengthening the relationship between religion and science is essential. This relationship fosters the integration of faith and life, as well as knowledge and philosophy, to counter the deviations of nihilistic atheism and materialist thinking, which exclude spirituality and values from their central role. Such a vision highlights humanity’s place and role in the universe, frames nature in its proper context, and underscores the importance of faith in understanding the meaning and purpose of our existence on this planet.

The participants also pointed out that interfaith and intercultural dialogue is a supreme value, contributing to building bridges of communication between peoples. It opens doors to mutual understanding, knowledge exchange, and expanding concepts of respect, thus solidifying human relationships on the foundations of cooperation and tolerance. This enhances societies’ ability to face modern challenges with an open and convinced spirit.

They further explained that technology, scientific progress, and artificial intelligence are key tools in shaping thought, consciousness, and societal behavior. These elements play a leading role in defining the material and intellectual future for upcoming generations. The participants stressed the importance of swiftly utilizing these tools and prioritizing the development of religious education methods, ensuring they align with the digital age and rapid advancements. This approach aims to build a generation capable of understanding the surrounding world from a deeply rooted and evolving faith-based perspective.

The participants emphasized that solidarity among nations is the most effective way to address major global challenges such as climate change, resource waste and scarcity, environmental protection, and the preservation of natural resources. They noted that this is both a religious and moral duty, achievable only through collective efforts to raise environmental awareness, promote sustainable behaviors, and instill a sense of responsibility.

They also reaffirmed that women, within their framework of faith, are a source of light and civilizational influence, playing a pivotal role in instilling religious values and noble morals. They stressed the importance of safeguarding women’s primary role in the family, caring for and educating the younger generation, fostering harmony, and shielding future generations from emotional confusion and ideological instability.

Through the document, the conference participants called on both the Muslim World League and the Muhammadiyah League of Scholars to establish a pioneering humanitarian and faith-based body called the “International Observatory for Signs of Faith and Countering Doubts.” This institution would focus on reinforcing faith principles, enhancing moral values, and addressing emerging doubts and suspicious agendas linked to libertarian chaos, nihilistic atheism, and social absurdity.

The observatory is expected to carry out these tasks through comprehensive writings and specialized seminars, inviting experts in the field to contribute. It will use modern digital and media tools to achieve its objectives and communicate its message. An annual report in both Arabic and English will be published on the observatory’s work and achievements, serving as a reference for intellectual guidance and spiritual orientation, helping individuals navigate rapidly evolving global changes.

The conference participants pledged to uphold and promote the principles of the “Faith in a Changing World” document in their academic institutions, media platforms, and national communities, in accordance with existing laws and international regulations. They also called on all scientific bodies, societal figures, and national institutions to support and endorse this document. Furthermore, they acknowledged that the concept of faith in God differs across religions and ideologies, and that dialogue on this matter is a separate issue. This conference, however, focused on addressing the challenges posed by nihilistic atheism.

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