Riyadh - SPA
Saudi Film Commission Participates in 2024 Toronto International Film Festival

The Saudi Film Commission is participating in the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), held from September 5 to 15 in Toronto, Canada. TIFF is one of the world’s most prestigious film festivals, drawing filmmakers, critics, and audiences globally and serving as a premier platform for showcasing global cinema.

 ‏This year, the commission will feature a dedicated pavilion highlighting prominent Saudi film projects and initiatives, providing visitors with a unique experience to explore

 ‏ the Kingdom's vast history and vibrant creativity in the film industry. In addition, a delegation from the commission, along with a group of Saudi filmmakers, will be attending to represent the diverse talents and voices of the Saudi film community.

 ‏The pavilion embodies the commission’s commitment to advancing the film industry in Saudi Arabia, showcasing recent achievements and highlighting opportunities for international‏ collaboration and partnerships. It aims to attract global interest in Saudi stories and productions while strengthening connections with filmmakers from around the world.

 ‏The Saudi Film Commission's participation in the Toronto International Film Festival aligns with its strategy to elevate Saudi cinema on the global stage, support Saudi

 ‏ talent, and contribute to the growth of the global film industry.

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