Over 300 Students From 90 Countries Take Practical Test at International Chemistry Olympiad in Riyadh

Three hundred thirty-three male and female students from 90 countries took the practical test today in the 56th edition of the International Chemistry Olympiad, taking place in Riyadh, after the test was translated into more than 50 languages under the supervision of 260 international specialists in the field of chemistry.
This is to ensure the accuracy of the final versions before delivering them to students.
The practical test, which takes place over five hours in the laboratories of King Saud University (KSU), represents an essential part of the international competition that aims to enhance international communications in the field of chemistry and motivate students to find creative solutions to chemical issues.
The test consists of a laboratory practical exam and a theoretical and written one, which students will take next Friday, requiring them to present their best efforts in a highly competitive environment.
This year, the International Chemistry Olympiad is organized by the King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity (Mawhiba), in a strategic partnership with the Ministry of Education and KSU, and with exclusive sponsorship from the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC).
This Olympiad reflects the Kingdom's commitment to supporting and developing scientific talents and strengthens its position as a leading hub in scientific aspects internationally.

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