Saudi Arabia's Children with Disability Association and Amazon Collaborate to Launch Alexa Program for Education and Rehabilitation

In a groundbreaking move for the Middle East, the Children with Disability Association in Saudi Arabia has partnered with Amazon to introduce an innovative Alexa program specifically tailored for education and rehabilitation classes.
This pioneering initiative focuses on developing Arabic content for Alexa devices to meet the unique rehabilitation needs of children.
By deploying 28 Alexa devices across classrooms and rehabilitation halls, the program aims to transform the association's learning spaces into smart classrooms.
This collaborative effort ensures that children with disabilities have access to advanced technology that can improve their well-being and support their educational journey.
Leading a delegation comprising representatives from Alexa, Amazon, and the Ministry of Education, Children with Disability Association CEO Dr. Ahmed Al-Tamimi guided a tour of the Riyadh center. During the visit, the delegation witnessed firsthand how Alexa devices are integrated into the center's therapeutic, rehabilitative, and educational programs. They were also briefed on the association's care, rehabilitation, and educational services. Discussions explored how the utilization of Alexa technology can further enhance these services for both specialists and children with disabilities.

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