DCO Secretary-General Commends Global Digital Compact at Summit of the Future

In a speech at the Summit of the Future during the 79th United Nations General Assembly, Secretary-General of the Digital Cooperation Organization (DCO) Deemah AlYahya praised the recently adopted Global Digital Compact.
AlYahya noted that the current digital divide is multifaceted, encompassing gaps in digital intelligence, computing capabilities, gender, and skills. She highlighted that the AI and computing divide poses a significant barrier, with some nations advancing rapidly in AI innovation and deployment while others struggle to keep up. Additionally, the gender digital divide continues to limit women's access to technology and opportunities, and the skills divide leaves many without the competencies essential for success in the fast-evolving digital economy.
The DCO secretary-general commended the Global Digital Compact for outlining "an ambitious roadmap for an inclusive, open, sustainable, fair, safe, and secure digital future for all." However, she emphasized the challenge of translating these goals, principles, and commitments into tangible actions, especially as the world works toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To support these efforts, AlYahya announced the launch of the Digital Economy Navigator (DEN), an innovative tool providing detailed insights into digital economy performance across 50 countries. While DEN is a vital resource, she emphasized that it is only the beginning, calling on all countries, organizations, and individuals to collaborate in this critical endeavor.
On the sidelines of the UNGA, the DCO also signed agreements with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the League of Arab States (LAS) to enhance digital cooperation, accelerate digital transformation, and support efforts aimed at achieving the SDGs.

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