Riyadh "Riyadh Daily"
JAVIER NIETO: ACCIONA’s strategy directly relates to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 programs and goals

- Can you share your journey with Acciona and what led you to your current role in Saudi Arabia? 

I started working at ACCIONA over a decade ago. Throughout my tenure, I have been involved in the execution of some of the most emblematic desalination projects, including those in Beckton (London, UK), Adelaide (Australia), Fujairah (UAE), and Jebel Ali (UAE). In addition to these projects, I have served as a Business Development Manager for EMEA and as Director of PPP and Special Projects. Currently, I am the managing director of the water business at ACCIONA in Saudi Arabia, overseeing all aspects of the water cycle.

- What are some of the most significant projects you have overseen in Saudi Arabia, and how have they impacted the local infrastructure?  

Presently, ACCIONA has built six desalination plants—producing 2.3 million cubic meters of desalinated water daily, able to provide potable water to 10 million people within the Kingdom—and three wastewater treatment plants, servicing 1.6 million people with a capacity of 400,000M3 per day.

- How is Acciona contributing to sustainability and environmental conservation in Saudi Arabia?

ACCIONA’s strategy directly relates to the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 programs and goals. We see ourselves as partners that can enable the Kingdom to realize its vision of creating a vibrant, diversified, and more sustainable economy and society. For example, the six desalination and wastewater treatment plants we are building –and the two desalination plants we have recently completed– will improve the water security of 8.3 million people and make the country more resilient to climate shocks.

Creating the first Sustainability Committee in Saudi Arabia, ACCIONA demonstrates pioneering leadership and commitment to integrating sustainability practices into our construction projects. The committee includes diverse expertise from within our company, with senior professionals with experience in sustainability, project management, engineering, and corporate governance, defining clear objectives and action plans aligned with our strategy and with specific targets for sustainability initiatives across all projects and ensuring that sustainability considerations are integrated into the planning, execution, and evaluation phases of all our projects in the Kingdom.

One of the pillars of our Sustainability strategy is to focus on our employee's being “People-centric,” and to align with Vision 2030 and enhance sustainability in Saudi Arabia; focusing on hiring Saudi professionals is crucial. Below our strategy:

- Local Talent Development: Invest in programs that develop skills among Saudi Nationals, aligning with Vision 2030’s goals of increasing local employment. As an example, we launched the Fresh Graduates Program at the beginning of 2024 to encourage the recruitment of local profiles. After hiring 24 fresh graduates of a Saudi Nationality, with 50% of them being women. Right now, they are participating in ACCIONA Global Graduate Program. This program brings together a diverse, inclusive, and global network that takes part in a transformational journey to contribute to their professional and personal growth at ACCIONA.

- Partnerships with education Institutions: We collaborate with universities, governmental entities, and vocational schools to create training programs to prepare Saudi youth for roles within our company. For example, we had the Support of the HRDF (Human Resources Development Fund) for the hiring of fresh graduates.

- Diversity and inclusion initiatives: Establish initiatives and programs to support the attraction and retention of Saudi professionals within our organization, ensuring diversity in hiring practices, including women and underrepresented groups, reflecting the goals of Vision 2030. Another evidence of our commitment, in this case, is the launch of the “ACCIONA Attraction and Retention Plan for KSA.”

Through this plan, the following objectives are pursued:

I- Make Saudi Arabia attractive for the development of a professional activity in ACCIONA

II- Retain the employees who decide to join the ACCIONA Team in KSA

III- Make a difference with respect to the rest of the competitors by being pioneers in implementing initiatives that will reinforce the brand image of ACCIONA in the country.

IV- Obtain a robust team in the country to guarantee the continuity of ACCIONA KSA in the medium and long term.

By integrating these strategies, ACCIONA can contribute to Saudi Arabia’s Sustainability development goals while growing as a local entity aligned with Vision 2030.

- Can you discuss any innovative technologies or practices that Acciona has introduced in its projects within Saudi Arabia?

Incorporating digital solutions is one of the pillars of ACCIONA's projects in the Middle East and one of our competitive advantages and differentiating elements.

The rapid incorporation of digital solutions is a requirement that coincides with the different actors involved, that is, clients, private companies, and users. Likewise, incorporating new technologies allows clients and end users to communicate more. Fluid and effective when interacting, saving resources, mainly time, defining clear service improvement parameters, giving visibility to the important measures adopted to improve the service and defining a direct channel on which to expose new service demands for study. and end-user satisfaction.  I could give several examples that we have implemented in the Kingdom, but to be specific and to highlight one in the specific case of the Middle East I would say the Digital Twin of our Khobar I desalination plant, which allow us to commission the plant during the COVID-19 with very limited people on site.

- What unique challenges have you encountered while working on projects in Saudi Arabia, and how have you overcome them?

ACCIONA has encountered some challenges while working on projects in Saudi Arabia, with localization being a significant aspect, understanding local regulations, customs, and business practices are essential for successful project execution. We have found the solution by focus on establishing strong local partnerships and employing local expertise. This has involved working closely with local authorities,

- How does Acciona collaborate with local governments and organizations to ensure the success of its projects in Saudi Arabia?

We collaborate by maintaining very close and constant contact through which we transmit ACCIONA's commitment to promote and provide exclusively the most efficient and sustainable technological solutions as stated in our 2025 Sustainability Master Plan with a five-year horizon.

The implementation of renewable energies in every one of the plants that are developed, the study of the implementation of these energies in the existing infrastructures together with the optimization of the consumption of reagents and minimization of waste generation are some of the aspects that we develop together with our clients to minimize the carbon footprint of our infrastructures while providing a realistic and efficient solution.

- What economic benefits have ACCIONA’s projects brought to Saudi Arabia, particularly regarding job creation and infrastructure development?

Aligned with Saudi Vision 2023 and as evidence of our commitment to growing in Saudi, we have established in Riyad or Regional Headquarters for all our activities in the Middle East .

Employment opportunities: ACCIONA’s projects in Saudi Arabia have generated numerous direct and indirect job opportunities. 400 people are direct staff, and more than 10,000 people work during the execution of our projects. All the employees are under ACCIONA’s human resources strategy, in which we take care of the well-being of all employees working in our projects, direct and indirect employees.

Overall, ACCIONA’s projects in Saudi Arabia not only advance sustainable development goals but also generate substantial economic benefits through job creation, skills development, and economic stimulus, thereby supporting the objectives of Vision 20230.

Creating sustainable projects benefits the planet and impacts our staff by fostering personal and professional growth. Engaging in sustainable projects provides employees with opportunities to work on initiatives that contribute to environmental and social well-being, which can lead to personal growth and a sense of purpose and fulfillment in contributing positively to a better planet. Our projects contribute to building a better planet for future generations, which can inspire others to adopt similar practices.

- How do ACCIONA’s initiatives align with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 goals, and what role does the company play in this transformation? 

ACCIONA has a strong presence in the Middle East, with the construction of seven large desalination plants with a total capacity of more than 2.5 million m3/h, developing and constructing three Waste Water Treatment Plants and O&M Contracts.

We cannot forget that Saudi Arabia has one of the world's highest per capita water consumption rates. This is partly due to a rapidly growing population, urbanization, and a high standard of living. Besides, the Saudi government has implemented various initiatives and policies to promote water conservation. This includes awareness campaigns, regulatory measures, and the adoption of water-saving technologies. And to achieve this in the Kingdom, we want to ensure universal access to water in the Kingdom through the deployment of all our different water solutions.  

- What are ACCIONA’s plans for future projects in Saudi Arabia, and what areas are you most excited to develop?  In the Saudi water sector, there is a strong emphasis on reducing the environmental footprint, primarily driven by minimizing energy consumption in desalination plants. The competition is fierce, often involving decimal precision to secure projects. However, ACCIONA advocates for a holistic approach, measuring efficiency and sustainability across the entire water supply chain from generation to pumping, transmission, storage, and distribution.

The Middle East, particularly KSA, will continue to be one of our strategic regions for the water business in the coming years.

- What advice would you give to young engineers and professionals in Saudi Arabia who aspire to work in large-scale infrastructure projects?

Working on large-scale infrastructure projects presents several challenges that require careful management and expertise, but despite these challenges, successfully executing these kinds of projects can lead to significant economic benefits, improve public infrastructure, and enhance the quality of life for communities.

After this explanation, I would highlight that ACCIONA is one of the best worldwide companies for working in large-scale infrastructure projects. I would invite to all Saudi young engineers and professionals in Saudi Arabia to try to apply to our positions, not only because we offer a simple job with a salary. ACCIONA’s approach in terms of talent goes beyond providing just jobs: it promotes a way of life and professional growth that aligns with personal values and contributes to a sustainable planet.

In essence, the ACCIONA approach creates an environment where individuals can thrive professionally while making a meaningful impact on the planet. It tries to attract and retain individuals who are motivated to lead by example and create positive change.

My advice if the young engineers and professionals in Saudi the option, I invite all of them to join ACCIONA

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