BERLIN - spa
Vice Minister of Industry Voices Kingdom's Commitment to Green Energy in Industrial Sector

The Vice Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources for Industrial Affairs, Eng. Khalil bin Ibrahim bin Salamah, has underlined the Kingdom's commitment to leading the transformation towards green energy in its industrial sector, in line with the targets of Saudi Vision 2030.

 Participating in a panel session on the sidelines of ACHEMA 2022, the world's leading trade show for the process industry in Germany, he explained that the Kingdom's emphasis on utilizing green practices in its industry and transitioning to renewable energy aids in achieving economic diversification and creating more job opportunities, all supporting its goal of achieving zero neutrality and reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2060.

 He also highlighted the impact of the Kingdom's mega projects, including the "NEOM" project, which focuses on renewable energy, biotechnology, and advanced manufacturing. These initiatives contribute to enhancing economic diversification and achieving sustainability. In this regard, he pointed to the Saudi Green Initiative, which aims to plant 10 billion trees throughout the Kingdom to reduce carbon emissions and increase the contribution of renewable energy sources in the national energy mix to more than 50% by 2030.

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